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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  July 9, 2013 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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agenda including health care and the economy. later, a look at u.s. trade policy. ♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] congress is back in session this week with three weeks to go before the month-long august break. they will debate what to do on immigration reform after the senate passed its bill last month. both sides playing of political blame game. democrats plan to push a one- year extension of the 3.4% student loan raite. a competing proposal ties into the financial markets and under consideration with bipartisan support. that is happening on the senate floor this week. we will begin with the
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situation in egypt. what role, if any, should america apply? america play? yourus a tweet or post comments. you can e-mail us. inside "usa today" --
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here is what the white house spokesman had to say yesterday about the situation in egypt. many of the papers noting this morning that the spokesman was very careful not to use the word
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coup. take a look. >> but they began by saying that the united states remains deeply concerned by the violence across egypt and the dangerous level of political polarization. we strongly condemn any violence and any incitement to violence. we express condolences to those that i've been killed and their families and hope that those are wounded or have been wounded recovered -- recover quickly. we call on the military to use maximum restraint. also condemn the explicit calls to violence made by the muslim brotherhood. during this transition time egypt's stability and democratic political order are at stake. egypt will not be able to emerge from the crisis unless the people come together to find a non-violently and includes the path forward. we continue to urge all political and religious leaders to prioritize our efforts to
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bridge the deep divisions. the united states is not aligned with nor is it supporting any political party or group. we remain actively engaged with all sides and are committed to supporting the egyptian people as they seek to salvage their nation's democracy. we've been clear that these decisions belong to egyptians. host: j kearney yesterday talking about the situation in egypt. -- jay carney. front page of "the washington post" -- fromnt to get an update the bureau chief joining us from cairo this morning. what is the latest. >> today so far is fairly calm but in the summer things kick
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re expecting to see is people from yesterday's two were killed in yesterday's early- morning shooting. we expect to see a very public funeral procession and burial. there is the potal for violence. very emotional demonstrations as those go forth. the country will wait to see if that it might more clashes and islands in the evening. host: the interim president has said he would do an investigation into what happened. is that helping to calm the violence? >> no, it is certainly not. early monday morning silence was so far a fairly isolated him incident of extreme violence. we have not seen clashes continuing throughout last night or into today. we are waiting still to see how
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the muslim brotherhood decides what the next up is going to be. so far the group is still calling for a peaceful protest but the escalating rhetoric and calling for an uprising or resistance movement to the army. that could be interpreted in a lot of ways and certainly by different followers of the movement. viewers lain for the the muslim brotherhood within egypt. guest: the muslim brotherhood has been around since 1928. it was the most prominent opposition movement to hosni mumbarak. over the years it had really build up a huge grass-roots following through charity activities and through its limited participation in
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politics. so the group is well-positioned to take power. power, did not go so well and has been forced out by the military backed by a an overwhelming wave of popular demand. so the group is at a crossroads. we do not know now whether it will decide to enter back into life in opposition after a year after being in the highest echelon of power or whether they will revert to an earlier model where it seeks to resist the violence. not know which way will go at this point. tug-of-warrtainly bediffent people in the very large movement about the appropriate steps to take next. explain the influence in
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egypt politically, and also, a grass-roots level. how well organized are they and how big they are. big they are, how but certainly have hundreds of thousands of supporters. the group has long been a fairly secretive organization. that was one of their problems when they were in power. them of being too isolated and to inward looking. of his the group still has a very large grass-roots following. still probably the most political -- most followed political organization in egypt. should it be allowed to play --
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allowed back in and compete in the next political election, it still could garner quite a few votes at the polls. not as much as it did in the last election, but it could take a sizable minority in parliament. host: what about that anti- muslim brotherhood? the other political parties or groups in the country? how big of an influence do they have? that is unclear. as a whole in the sense that they are anti-muslim brotherhood, they are huge. they are in the millions. saysis what the military compelled it to eventually force him out. mobilization goes around other causes, now that he is gone, we do not know what the and inities are the area
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the past we have seen the liberals have floundered. they are poorly organized. they have not been a lot -- been able to give voters out to the polls around a common figure or group or have been able to impact policy in a democratic system because they're so unorganized. host: you are on the ground. tell us which countries are playing our role in this situation and which have the most influence. guest: well, i could not tell you. is certainly aes country that everyone here has an interest in. we're seeing both sides of the political divide it look to the united states and hurl accusations in washington's
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direction to say you are supporting the other side, morsiially from the anti- side and a lot of angry calls for each of to stay out of their business. at the same time, the brotherhood has accused the united states of backing the military and its cue. coop. it's playing a very prominent role, regardless of whether that is the case. host: 12 showed live shots of in egypt.are people gathering in egypt. what about the country of qatar? the role reports about they're playing in the money they're pouring into egypt.
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it has provided a number of grants from to keep the economy afloat. egypt's economy has really been faltering. they have billions of dollars in debt and the foreign currency reserve and have all been predicting the economy is headed for a serious crash. as egypt has scrambled over the past year to shore up more funds, it has been a very critical country in that regard. -- aes provide the the series of loans to keep the country moving. a lot of allegations from anti- owds that said they have also supported the muslim
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brotherhood. the cases very hazy. host: what is next today? guest: we are watching to see whether -- how the funerals go, whether they proceed peacefully, whether the supporters are able to bury the people who were killed in yesterday's violence without that spiraling into more violence, more angry confrontations. alsoll see all slowed -- we're keeping an eye on the u.s. embassy where members are planning to stage a big anti- american demonstration. we will see how that goes as well. abigail hauslohner, thank you very much. what role shall the united states play in egypt?
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a couple of tweets for you -- fred bingham says -- if you want to post your comments, go to twitter dark,/cspan. a little bit more from her piece this morning about the muslim brotherhood in the history it has. the egyptian security forces have rounded up other leaders in -- andwn to stimulate litte's.n sate
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bill in new hampshire. republican calller. what did they? -- do you think? caller: we are going around the sun on jim carter's numbers. hurricane unit is online and climbing we are on to make carter's crowned numbers that were so impossible. we could not conceive what it meant. the neutron court in confutes -- put that into fusion energy. tyson. republican calller. just have peacee on earth? enough with the killing and violence going from continent in
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-- to consonant with our guns and bombs. peace on earth. god bless you. host: craig in north carolina. the obama administration don't want to read it it made a mistake -- made ao admit they mistake. if they do, they will have to pull back the money they are giving the muslim brotherhood, but they do not want to do that. they want to support them. i did not think we ought to be supporting them anyway. over there.they do that is the way it is. times""the washington
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-- here is what the white house folks -- white house press secretary had to say of the issue of money to egypt. the timel take necessary to review what has taken place and monitor efforts by the egyptian authorities to include a democratic way forward. as we do, we will review our requirements under the law and do so consistent with the policy objectives. yesterdaycarney talking about the money and whether or not like some have said we should stop the money to egypt call it a coup.
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naperville, illinois. independent calller. what do you think? i wanted to ask and say missed thethe u.s. ball. they should have been more helpful to the democratic election -- the democratic government. there are other countries that have more influence than the u.s.. saudi arabian. it becomes very difficult and what the role is that the u.s. should be playing now because the u.s. has to balance things out. was such a big influence on other countries. host: you were saying that the white house should have supported the muslim brotherhood more?
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caller: it is a democratic- elected government with a democratic process. he did receive. now what we have is a coup. basically the united states does not want to admit it. we have to play the balance. rather than waiting until the end, now that this happened we do not know what to do. host: but to show you the piece me show you a piece in "the wall street journal" --
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caller: you have an issue basically with the coup of government and pakistan. as long as you have the military and the generals of the military to leave, you have to honor the people. you just cannot have the military running everything. that is an issue that will be affecting the middle east. military you get the to active in democratic way? caller: it is very rough.
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would you have a military killing over 50 of their own citizens, that does not make sense. do have to draw the line. the u.s. does not on the highest influence. spending alle're this money, we are not the most. host: where are you from? aperville, illinois. originally india. appoint host: about the countries that have influenced other countries.
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democrat calller in new york.
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go ahead. caller: hello? i am not a democrat. i am independent. that was the only member i could get.
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host: i am going to cut you off because i do want people to call in on the line the reflex or ideology. caller: starting with the notion that what happened in egypt was a democratic election. it was not. it was a man must -- managed election. not an election. that was a managed saying that was supposed to look like a democracy. reason the united states has any interest in egypt is the suez canal and israel. it wants to keep the peace treaty with israel at any cost. they want to continue to
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.ontrol the true democracy was in the streets with the largest blood protest in history ever. that was a true democracy. want thet do you president to say to those people? caller: i did not want him to say anything. stay out of each of its affairs. let the people decide. host: democratic calller. say i do would like to not think the u.s. should have any role. every other week is a fight in the middle east. when regan to get our stuff together? the united care of states. next week there will be another fight somewhere else. host: you do not think we need to have influence in the middle east region? caller: not that way.
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we have lots of stuff to do at home. the line for republicans. mike is next. like to say i would is first we need to know who we are up against in the middle east. those supplying all of the guns and ammunition and weapons and and the whole middle east. i was in vietnam. russiane armed with weapons. it is the russians that undermining us, trying to bankrupt us. we're 16 trillion in debt and doing a darn good job at it, but we need to know who we are fighting. not the arab spring and al qaeda and all of this.
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it is them supplying them to get us involved and bankrupt us. that is about all i have to say about it. muslimary says what the brotherhood winds again? as the muslim brotherhood allow them to assume office? egypt is destined for military role. we will keep getting your take on what the role should be, if any, in egypt. we told you at the top that the focus of immigration reform now goes to the house. the senate passed the bill last month. house republicans will meet behind closed doors tomorrow to discuss the path forward in what they should do. the house judiciary committee has been marking up several bills. homeland security committee has their own border security bill. meanwhile, still the gang of seven of the house side that is meeting behind closed doors and
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taking a look at immigration reform and deciding what they should put out as a group. there is definitely a lot of concern, not just in the house of representatives but across the country about massive pieces of legislation. that was from the republican of virginia. democrats hope to force republicans into taking up a comprehensive senate bill will not be pleased with the outcome. the gang of seven and the house started out as a gang of 20. the numbers have dwindled down to seven. of "thet page washington times" -- a look from our recent report released monday.
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also on capitol hill, the senate judiciary committee will hear testimony from president obama as pick to take over the fbi. in the new york times op-ed piece, questions for the fbi nominee, laying out 11 different questions for him to answer. one of them, is he as independent as he has made out to be? we will cover the confirmation hearing on c-span3 at 10:00 this morning. .he time has come the governor rick perry said he will not seek another term as the state governor, but was not
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forthright about his other future plans. also this morning, an update on to resend carries condition. she has been upgraded to fair. kerry's heinz condition. she was hospitalized sunday after showing systems consistent with a seizure. that is in usa today. the baltimore sun reporting the defense opened the week trial. they opened the defense of the army for portraying him as a computer whiz, operating under a loose guidelines whose decision to leak classified documents was based on a well-intentioned sense of idealism. economy and business section has a lengthy piece of felt both allen.
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booz allen. back to our question for all of you, what role shall the united states play in egypt?
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and next calller in new york. democratic calller. go ahead. i just wanted to say that ever since the 1960's the united states has used egypt as a buffer between palestine and israel. " we see now is a massive restructuring in the finance industry. this is compounded with the historical unrest in the region. what we see now is to western influence of american influence, because this one is no america does represent peace in egypt. this combines with the international unrest from the economic restructuring influenced by the world bank and imf. we continue to see this unrest. i think that islamic groups in regionnd within the
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finally gained control of power in the region and are able to hold it. from "the washington post" -- least in albany, new york. democratic calller. caller: i absolutely agree with
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the united -- with the last calller. the united sates -- state should stay out of the affair right now. that means militarily, financially, not being involved in the military obligations. be friendsing to with =, we have to allow egypt to have sovereignty. another thing is i do credit him for not accepting imf aid, because everyone knows that looks like a form of structural adjustment program which wrecked africa. tos caused many people assess the food subsidies. that would have been very detrimental for egypt. i am very glad he refused debt. i would hope any future leader
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of egypt refuses it. that kind of influence of any western power in a region that does not have the best intentions or has its own intentions would be too much. host: another program note. a memorial service for all 19 firefighters killed battling the wild fire will be held today. the vice president joe biden will be speaking. we will cover it today. margie in ohio. republican calller. thank you for c-span. it is my humble opinion that the united states should remain neutral in this process, stay out of it. that would be to include some of my fellow republicans such as john mccain. this is a situation that is
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fluid at the time. i truly believe the majority of the people of egypt want democracy, but if we cannot support the democratic movement, considering we fact foresee and the muslim brotherhood, my suggestion would be that we were made out of it -- remained out of it and let the people sort it out. democracy is painful. this is going to take time. that is about all i have to say. host: see in california. independent calller. -- casey. caller: i have to agree with the past three women. when we remember back in history, when world war ii hit, the women ran the country and it was the best the country has ever ran. we need to step back out of all of these countries. it is getting out of control.
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we need to focus on america. we are building so much craziness around the world. our children are in this daily, and it does affect them. how can obama live with himself shutting down all the schools in chicago, get sending -- spending billions of dollars in weapons? it is horrible, just horrible. i am from an air force family. we will not enlist anymore in the military. we have one more in the army, but we are done. we love america cannot go on with this craziness. it is total insanity. in bridge, va.. ofler: there is a lot misconception out there for what our actual involvement is in the middle east.
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we face as aroblem country is we do have an obligation to help these people who are trying to get as much democracy as they can. most of these countries, really what they want is justice. our foreign policy is very convoluted. put yourself in the position of a muslim. in one country the united states is supporting the suni is the totalitarian dictator. ,,eyes of a muslim crumb -- across the middle east, we cannot decide. none of these are necessarily a good choice. picking,em is, we keep
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in their minds, one against the other and pitting one muslim against another in these countries that were artificially created after world war i. so the biggest problem we have is the convoluted foreign policy in the eyes of the people. iraq, weple, in supported of shite, and in syria souni group ort a their mindsis in they cannot trust us. the people ofrm the middle east feel they cannot
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trust as because at any moment we could flip flop and start supporting the other guy. host: will have to leave it there. we will come back to the conversation about egypt and the role the united states should play when we talk to roger .icker no talke that jerrold nadler about immigration reform and the prospects for it in the house. first, we're joined by the white house editor at politico to talk about political comebacks. let me show the viewers the political website this morning with the headline, why sex card polls still come back for more. this comes from the announcement of elliott it's there that he will run for the comptroller. anthony wiener running for mayor of new york city.
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for thesehe prospects two? guest: the big question for to require signatures, valid signatures from new yorkers and has to do it by the end of the week. he has not a lot of time, given that he has no big organization behind him or campaign set up to make this happen. if that happens, there are a lot of people who think he would have a very good shot at getting elected. as for anthony wiener, he is leading the polls at this point. we will see how it goes when things go on. is analysis in the paper saying there is only so much forgiveness to go around, that now elliott spitzer on the
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ballot of the same time of the of the wiener, that could be problematic for both of them. wiener.ny guest: does seem to be a problem for them. both will not want to run -- will not want to talk about the scandals that forced them from office. now it is a theme of the new york city election that you have politicians of our veterans of sex scandals running for office. covered new york city and politics in that state. what do you think about new yorkers being able to forgive? is that a possibility? he and these to win the on the ballot in 2014?
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guest: it does seem like a possibility. the ballote two win in 2014? some of this goes to the weakness of the field overall, but those are factors that could mean that yorkers will be ready enough to forgive, ready enough to not pay as much attention to the sex scandals and think about the other factors they will be looking for. edward-isaac dovere, we thank you your time. joining us on the set jarrold nadler. welcome back. if i could get your take on egypt. a lot of conversation at reports
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from the papers today. should we stop aid to egypt? was it a coup? guest: well, i would have to say, it is a strange combination. they had something like 10 million signatures or 20 million signatures of people saying morsi step aside. they had millions of people demonstrating. one might say it was a coup. on the other hand, the constitution was adopted by are rather strong objection. i suggest we not stop military aid. actingside are democratically. the military firing on demonstrators is unforgivable. the brotherhood having won the
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election wasn't trying to systematically eliminate democratic procedures you would never pare another election in the future. a definition of democracy is not a one-man, one-vote, one time, although some countries seem to think it is. i think the united states should do what it can, and it is not clear we have that much leverage. it is not all that clear that we have that much leverage there. we have to do what we can to get the main people to talk to each other and sit down in some fort of a coalition government until elections can be held quickly under some sort of democratic constitution. host: immigration reform prospects in the house. what do you think they are? senate passed a bill last month. house republicans meet behind closed doors tomorrow. what is the way for work?
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will have a much better idea tomorrow. the way forward is the senate passed what most people consider reasonable, but i think is rather early over harsh bill, but that is my judgment, the as it of the- judiciary committee and we have passed for very harsh punitive one-sided bills. you could take those bills, passed them on the house floor, and another bill homeland security committee and then go to the senate with a comprehensive reform bill from my point of knox's bill and come to something that people can support when it comes back from the conference committee. that is the way forward. the speaker said he will not permit any bill to pass the house, to go to the house floor that does not have the majority
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of the republican conference. this includes a conference report. if the majority of the republicans will not support some sort of a path the legalization, there will not be a bill that the senate works out, nor should there be. the bottom line for democrats, there has to be some sort of ultimately the pathway to citizenship. the bottom line for republicans has to be very secure border control, that can be accommodated. host: look at what the house judiciary committee has done so far. safe act. more authority to enforce immigration laws. more guest: authority to enforce federal laws. at.: worst -- work force
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agricultural guest worker act. the skilled work act. guest: me just say one thing about that. that is an example of something where you could have an agreement and is engineered not to have an agreement. almost everyone agrees there should be more visas for high- tech workers. whyproblem with that and all of the democrats on the judiciary committee voted against it is for the 50,000 , ita, the stem workers took 50,000 pieces away from diversity's. that is not acceptable. the: are you ok with piecemeal effort they are doing? andt: it should be ultimately will have to be a comprehensive bill. if they want to do a piecemeal that given the
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republicans they can vote for this and against that, that is okay now, but eventually will have to be a comprehensive bill when it comes back from conference. certainly if they think they can pass bills, will crack down on the appropriations for border tourity, make things harder have an obnoxious guest worker program and not do the banks that democrats want like pathway to citizenship, it is not going to fly. doing it piece by piece is a way to avoid the question until the end. host: chairman of the judiciary committee is quoted as saying there is definitely a lot of concern, not just in the house of representatives, but across the country about massive pieces of legislation that when you do it comprehensively like the senate did, you get 1200 pages,
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a lot of provisions. people do not know what is in the bill. with all due respect, a very fine legislator, that does not make sense. most of what we have done, notable things like social security and medicare are very broad, comprehensive bills that were initially passed. hundreds and hundreds of pages. and a complex society like this, it becomes inevitable. so that people know what it is in it, you have to spend some time with it. do not pass it in the dead of night. have the bill out four weeks before you vote on it. you can do those things. altman we can know when you pass legislation there will have to be cleaned up.
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he will find that this provision does not work or that the drafting of the provision was not exactly what you wanted it to be. there is always clean up legislation. the problem we have now with a bomb scare is republicans will now -- not allow any cleanup legislation because they want to sabotage and implementation of the bill. normally you do a comprehensive bill into reasonable cleanup legislation after that. --t: chairman goes on to say that it could fail and kill prospects for any prospective legislation in this congress. not know that that is fair. the senate is really not pressing the house to take up their bill. the senate is pressing the house to make sure the major provisions of the bill are dealt with. the fact is as long as the house
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gets to conference, and everything coming out of both houses has to be discussed, that will be sufficient. what the senate is really saying if you want the provisions you want, the stronger border protections and so forth, that can be negotiated. it has to have a path to citizenship. chris mann part: of the so-called gang of eight working on a bipartisan comprehensive approach was on "meet the press" sunday. my concern with the senate bill is they put the legalization of 11 minute -- 11 million people ahead of security. the legalization happen first and security have been second. i think the american people will not stand for that. if you look at the debacle they have right now, this
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administration is deciding when and where to enforce the law. that is what some of us in the house are concerned about. if you give this administration the authority to decide when they will enforce the law, how they will enforce it, and you tell them it is ok if they decide if there will be 20,000 troops or 20,000 border patrol agents or they get to determine when the border is secure, i can tell you janet napolitano has already said the border is secure. guest: there are a number of points that are not the case. you can allow an administration a lot of leeway or very little leeway. member to -- number two, senate bill in the basic approach is having a pathway to citizenship.
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the senate bill a minimum of 13 years. he says the legalization starts right away, but he means that very shortly people can come out of hiding. this enables them to work, to be legal in the united states while they are on the 13-year plus wait for citizenship. right now the department of homeland security has the net illegal immigration of the united states is zero as far as we can tell. partly because they have greatly stepped up. the administration has greatly enforcement. there are more than twice the number. they are doing 400,000 per year,
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our record in american history. a weak for all those reasons the illegal immigration is roughly zero right now. it could go up again and. $40 billion, $45 billion worth of fences and more border people, etc.. can you guarantee that you have zero enforcement? the estimate is 86 percent effective now. some people say it should be 90%. are we really fighting over 4 percent? to say there should be no legalization, nothing starts until you guarantee everything you do works, as far as a lot of people are concerned, that will never work. the effort into place. the determined efforts are of sufficient magnitude and start the process on both ends. host: its get the viewers
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involved in the conversation. edward, the democratic calller. hello, congressman. do you ever take a walk through your district? how many unemployed the you see in the district? district?see in the the sunshine. in american citizens that you represent better not in the shadows. they are out there in the sunshine trying to have a job, raise their family, pay the bills, but you are not interested in them. you are interested in the 11 million people who came here illegally. first of all, not all 11 million people came here on their own volition. a portion of them were children
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and you cannot blame them. the reality is this country will not deport 11 million people, could not if it tried. the question is, if you want undocumented people who cannot protest unfair working conditions, protest sub-minimum wages because of the duke table employers, if you want those people bringing down american wages by accepting employment for some-minimum wage by excepting sweat shop conditions, then leave the situation as it is. if you make them status legal, then you can enforce the laws of minimum wages and decent pay and decent conditions, and that will help legal americans who will not have to compete with this. if we're talking about unemployment, and we should be talking about it a lot more than we are, we should be talking about stimulating the economy.
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borrowing a negative interest rates were people are paying us to take the money and spending it on interest rates and putting people to work. we're not doing that. neither party is really talking about that. democrats a little, republicans not at all. 99 says -- dj ashley says -- guest: personally agree with that. -- -- we need to improve the educational system obviously, but that's does not give you skilled workers immediately. that takes time. it also takes money, which the congress is not willing to spend. second, i am somewhat torn, frankly. i would be willing to vote for the high-skilled immigrants --
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be says because the tech companies are telling us they cannot get american workers, enough's american workers to do this. on the one hand. also, on the one hand, we trained lots of people of our schools. we train them in high-tech, and then we send them home to compete with us. that does not make a lot of sense. on the other hand, i am worried that the firms saying they cannot get american workers should be saying they cannot get american workers at the wages they are paying. some of them are fairly high wages. host: republican. not think they need to reform immigration. i think they need to enforce the laws on the book and ship them back where they come from.
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all they do and is coming over here and taking our jobs. say aou call anyplace toll-free number, it always starts off in spanish and then it says if you want to hear english be -- push one. host: what about that? guest: economists tell us that is not the case. , whetherok at anybody you were born here or not, if you're here you're spending money on food" -- food and clothes. are11 million people here gaining jobs and not costing jobs. that is a fairly complicated economics but there's not much disagreement on that. maybe you should look at individuals, but in the
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intensive the economy they generate jobs. that is why the cbo in scoring the senate immigration bill says it will save money, large amounts, over time. host: securing the border. secure it worse. even verify -- e-verify. let's take it in order. senate has agreed to this. my only problem is that there are something something lacking 3% error rate. if eugene mcmahon is an illegal immigrant eugene j mcmahon was born here he can find himself job.ble to find a that is my only concern.
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we support that. agreements on this. what was the other question? host: about securing the border. guest: building a fence does create jobs. in that sense it is fine. you create more jobs if you do something that would give you a like these facilities. that does create jobs. host: michigan, democratic caller. i would like to say i think we should have a new approach to immigration with mexico. what is the problem with canada versus mexico? do not see anybody screaming
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or yelling about immigration or whynada to michigan is it not so prevalent there and so out of control in mexico? canada is a first world economy country with the modern economy. there has not been economic pressure. that is the main thing. most people who immigrate to the united states are coming for economic reasons. some fled the revolution in europe. most came for economic opportunity. that is still the case. in mexico you have a very who ared area desperate to support their families. it is not the case in canada. some of the
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opposition directed at the is racist.igration there's opposition to that. people are being upset by that. independent caller. caller: good morning. the jobent is i think cartels in mexico have tha all e attention on the border but the activity is going on. 80% of the tunnels have not been discovered. they are coming in with the illegal aliens. the radar only goes down seven
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or eight feet. why don't you get the assistance of the oil and gas companies to find the companies? i do not know much about that. obviously if there are tunnels under the border with the capability we should get such equipment and uses. there's no excuse for having tunnels beneath the border. the egyptians in gaza are fighting it. we should not permit tunnels. when ever it takes within reasonable cost we should do. this is a political calculation by democrats. he is doing a liberal talking point of making illegals legal. the real reason is that they want voters. guest: frankly, that is absurd.
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number one, the shortest citizenshipiod to is 13 years. that is a long time. number two, the assumption that are going to vote such that thee it republicans are not going to say anything that attracts them. that is true today. they're communicating the message that they do not like you. they have to stop doing that. that is why people like senator mccain and a lot of other republicans are saying we have to support a reasonable immigration bill to stop sinning a message that sending a message that we do not like latino voters. their fair share. you cannot assume that any
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ethnic group is always going to vote democrat or republican. depending onr time how parties make their images on the issues. host: the wall street journal notes that the gang of seven is working on a comprehensive approach. the pact would be even slower taking 15 years as opposed to the senate bill which is 13. guest: let me add one thing. the undocumented people you are worried about becoming citizens arevoting democratic armo basically hispanics. if you legalize nobody, latinos are a growing share of the electorate. if republicans do not appeal to latinos and they vote against him 77-21.
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a small going to be minority party. they are going to have to change that if they want to remain a major party. 7 started gang of out as 20. were you part of the original? why join this effort? guest: no. it is cap cipro -- up secret among a small number of members. i was not party to that. when we ecb immigration bill that they produce -- when we ecb we will haveill, to make judgments and perhaps amendments and deal with it. this is a private effort selected by pete will who have been involved more than i have. , republicandakota
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collar. go ahead. i think he is mistaken on a lot of views about immigration. we do not want illegals here. [indiscernible] we are naturally born here. we do not have another country to go to. ok.: i will have him respond. guest: unless you are native american, you are an immigrant or children or grandchildren of an immigrant. we all are.
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second of all, no one is saying the united states has to change to some other political system. the history of immigration into this country from the very beginning is that people look at the new group, germans in they arerish in 1880, terrible, they're going to change. they make is contributions. we have certain things in our society due to various immigrant groups. that is good. generation or two every group assimilates and becomes american. case withrtainly be hispanic immigrants. hispanics were here before anybody else. other than the native americans. it is true with respect to people if they came here documents or not.
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when her grandparents came everybody was an illegal immigrants. whether you are here with documents or not, they adopt to the united states. they do not require that we change the systems. house republicans are meeting tomorrow behind closed doors to figure out the path that they want take toward immigration reform. the question he poses is maybe september, that they put some sort of bill on the floor during the july month. maybe there is a final vote in september. if it does not happen this fall, what are the prospects of the happening before the 2014 election? guest: i do not know. i cannot answer that. we are going to have some major crises in the fall.
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i think we're heading for another major crisis when the fiscal year ends. diametrically opposed positions. about how much we suspend -- should spend on everything. we will have to figure out a way to avoid systemic shutdown. we will have another crisis over the debt ceiling before the end of the year. preoccupy us.g to hopefully we will still find other things like immigration reform. the political pressures are still there. aere are still reasons why lot of republicans want to do something to preserve their party. and why other republicans will say over my dead body. i do not think that will change. what the balance of that is i do not know that it is all that different. >> zach in burlington.
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caller: yes. i have been listening to you. i agree with the other collar that -- the other caller it at they all need to be enforced like any other law. the united states is art at the capacity with all. make consensus for a group of people that violate the law so the economy can work properly. be able to enforce the laws that are on the books so they will not destroy this country. that is what is going to happen. if you're going to start making exceptions, that is going to cause a ripple effect. i am telling you this is what is going to happen. i do not have nothing against
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hispanics or latinos but they are the ones responsible for bringing these drugs into california and all the problems happening in california. not why theis economy is so wrecked right now. it is not because of immigration. that is a separate discussion. of course we have to enforce the law. 100%.nnot enforce the law the administration has been sending far more money than any prior administration. 400,000been supporting people a year. i am not happy about this. they get no blame for that. it is impossible to enforce 100% a law that is basically unenforceable. there are strong economic imperatives for people to sneak across the border to feed their
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family. you cannot catch. you can spend more money. you can catch 92 out of 100. thebasic question is in deal behind any other immigration bill is we will step up enforcement, especially on the employer side so people can hold jobs. to go.y be a better way .ou do this to shut it now in return you say a 11 million people are, many who came here as small children. some kid is 17 years now to does not even know that he was brought here and legally when he was one year old. he is an american. by as mucht the flow as we can buy these various
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measures. this country cannot deport deporting 11 million people. we are shutting the future flow down. is maybe theyy will not shut it down. that is part of the debates. you have to have measures that will be affected. host: not all workers come here to be citizens. how are you working to those who want the money and not citizenship. not have todo apply for citizenship. there are two provisions. one is a guest worker program. they have five or six months to work.
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if you have been here for years and you are an undocumented immigrant, you get legalized. so you can drive a car illegally. you can'trk legally do a set minimum wage without getting deported. you do not have to apply for citizenship if you do not want to. nothing forces and abide to apply for citizenship. how does that work? guest: she is married to an american citizen. anthony is watching. independent collar.
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caller: good morning. what about our own children that we have here in this country that we need to focus on? they're falling to the wayside. if you dropped out of school so tell them. we have thousands of people here that can be taught and learned. just because they come from a country that has liberty people do not learn. young people fall into the wayside. drop out of school or anything you do not realize and i was a young man i could go to work and do what ever and have a license. they are skilled.
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their butts off. i am married to a colombian national. who is ayoung man colombian stepson. he is wonderful. i cannot take anything from them people. that is not an immigration question. it is fair but it is not immigration. we are not educating our kids properly. not have the jobs for this. that is a whole economic debate. neither party is doing an adequate job of providing this. we will be spending a lot more money. we know that by the time kids
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come into kindergarten some kids are years behind because they come from a background where their parents are not reading to then and so forth. every kid should be educated starting at two years old. not all day classes. we ought to have a much better educational system. we have to stimulate our economy. that is not an immigration question. host: he sits on the judiciary committee. we want you to weigh in on the race of eliot spitzer that he will run for comptroller. you support the bid? both of them? guest: i do not. for comptroller i am supporting
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scott stringer. he's to work for me when i was in a state assembly. excellentke an controller. it'll not be anthony weiner. why not? i do not think he is one of the most qualified candidates. he is entitled to run. i wish he had not. democratic collar, immigration. go ahead. caller: thank you. this topic is very important to me. i'm an undergraduate student. i came here when i was seven years old legally.
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the last 13 years i have been going going through the legal system of paying all the ease. really talking legal immigration to help me out. when i turned 21 out turning into a national student. everything legally and properly. my parents were to pay the lawyer fees and everything. there's nothing about being talked about for legal immigration. why isn't someone trying to help me out? guest: i am not clear what your problem is. you came here legally when you're seven years old. become ahe can citizen if he wants to. i do not know if the problem is. having ahe reason i'm problem is that there is so much a delay that i have not been able to get through the process. host: for what? files in.en i send my centers for years you do not
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hear a response. that is a huge bureaucracy. advice is to find out who your congressman or woman is. they undoubtedly have staff who will try help you with the processes. staff does is to cause delays for people with immigration problems. -- is to help solve delays for people with immigration problems. have been over most of the united states. . was in las vegas inple out there are working walmart. they cannot even speak english. i am not against immigration. what ourunderstand
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government does not understand about the illegals. the problem you cited about walmart speaking english has nothing to do with illegal or legal. will learn to speak english. the children will without an accident. is something law we try to do. you can never do it 100%. we have because if they prior failure to enforce the law and maybe some administrations were 11 millione have people here who were not documented. judgment and a comprehensive bill will be we will tighten up the border.
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we will tighten up employment controls so we will tighten up enforcement so that we will not have this problem. towill provide a pathway legalization after 13 or 15 years. it would be a huge cruelty to try to deport 11 million people. practically it is not real. you recently introduced the pregnant workers fairness act. what is it and why is it needed? the bill simply says that employers are required to make "reasonable accommodation to the needs of pregnant employees provided that it does not pose an undue hardship to the employer." that is taken directly from the american disability act. have been through this for 20
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years. there's not much question about it. pregnancy was ruled by the court not to be a disability. why is it needed? 1978, congress passed the pregnancy discrimination act which says you may not discriminate against pregnant women. they might have misinterpreted if you do it to other people it is not discrimination. if you say to a cash or that a cashier you may not sit down -- if you say to a cashier you may not sit down. if you say the woman cannot them,a water bottle with you can enforce that against a pregnant woman as long as you enforce it against other people. but the pregnant women find they cannot work or they get fired. there's no detection.
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how big is this? guest: i introduced the house and there is a sinister version also. i hope we can persuade the republicans that this should be a no-brainer. california and some other states have similar legislation that has not proposed any burden to businesses. get pregnant at some time in their lives. it is simple fairness that we need to do this. independent collar. good morning. and i: what gets me, have seen you on different committees. i really do not think politicians are really hearing the american people. caller after caller has told you that they do not agree with this bill.
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you said the border is pretty much secure. on the other hand, if you accept the senate bill you are going to double the amount of high a newd visas and start category for low skilled workers. you are going to increase agricultural workers. it is like a sleight-of-hand as well as legalizing 11 million people who are already here. i used to be a democrat. i changed to independent. the american people when they see the details of this bill, they are already against the bill in the first place. when they see the details vary even more against it. piecemeal. it is too important. host: you cannot really do it piecemeal.
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with the bille and 11 people disagree. you really cannot do it piecemeal. there are very contending point of view. posted them has to be satisfied. you have to shut the border at all costs. across the border you can spend trillions of dollars. it does not provide a path to citizenship for the undocumented people here. party says we have to provide a path to citizenship to the people here. politicals the strength to pass any bill without the other. you will have to have a bill that does both in one form or
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the other. in some sort of path of citizenship. without doing both you cannot pass the bill. people who want the citizenship or not they do the border and hope we do the citizenship later. that is why you have to have a comprehensive bill. host: thank you for your time. guest: you are welcome. host: we're going to go to the other side and speak about the situation and egypt in the legislative agenda for the rest of the summer. reback will talk about u.s. trade policy. an update on afghanistan from american and european officials. they say president obama is giving serious consideration to
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speeding up the withdrawal of as. forces in that country in zero option that would be no american troops there next year. they have been negotiating about leaving the small residual force behind. relationshipmas with karzai reached a new low after an effort last month by the u.s. to begin peace talks with the taliban. karzai repudiated the talks. say the afghan taliban have close that office in -- qatar.which are the office was open less than a month ago to facilitate peace talks. it came under pressure for using the same white flag flown during the rule that ended with the us-led invasion in 2001.
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they remove the flag after president karzai demanded it. turning to the nsa, president today to review the government secret surveillance system. it is a daylong meeting and the first public event since disclosure of the spying operations. civill literally -- liberty activists are among the 16 experts testifying before the oversight board. c-span is covering that event live. in one hour at 9:30 a.m. eastern time. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio. c-span radio is airing recorded phone conversations from president nixon from camp david talking to key white house advisers about the presidential
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race against george mcgovern. the war in vietnam and watergate. the nixon tapes saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span radio. nationwide on x and -- xm channel 119. we want to welcome back to republican from mississippi who served on the armed services committee as well as the budget and mission -- committee. the u.s. contrary. was it a coup? question thats no that is a problem for congress. let me draw an analogy. there is no01 question we went to war in afghanistan against al qaeda and the taliban.
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a link the engagement. we never cleared war. the president never asked congress and congress never passed a resolution to declare war against al qaeda or the taliban. it would have triggered a number and wouldce contracts have created more problems than it solved. to war without a declaration of war. thing in a rock. we have done this several times before. there was authorization and funding by the congress. what they know is that to wouldally call it a coup trigger a cut off of a. id. that should be debated. if there
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are differences of opinion about whether we should do that. in saying we are not going to characterize it as a coup, it leaves the congress with more options. it leaves the administration with more options. i support the administration's andtation to rush right out termed this a coup. >> what are your options and congress and the administration? theirst of all, we have to knowledge that this has been an unsuccessful experiment with our ante department and unsuccessful attempt at democracy on the a part of the egyptians. our state department has not exhibited the leadership we needed for the morsi administration.
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fors a missed opportunity the forces that would move toward democracy in egypt. was on a path to in manyhave seen developing countries. one man, one vote, one time. this person was elected president by about 51% of the vote. during the course of this one year in office he suspended the constitution and declared himself a dictator. he limited the power of the thats to review actions escalated the parliament. definition of democracy, winning one election by one -- 1% or 2% of the vote.
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the morsi administration had an opportunity to move egypt forward. they did about as much damage in one year as the mubarak administration did in two or three decades. the rule ofstifling law in moving toward a western- style representative government. >> what are the options? i think the options at this point are try to work with the military to have elections as soon as possible, to make it clear that they have to be oflusive to offer the aid the united states and giving our advice on this.
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the assistance and advice of the community of nations, everyone is interested in this country that houses one fourth of the arab population on earth. in theman interest being successful and not spinning out of control. diplomacy is hard. a lot of take patience and a lots of fast footwork and will not be easy. host: and money? guest: money has been there. let me talk about that. theve always supported assistance that we have given to pursuant to the camp david accords. it has been quite controversy will. we have an amendment to take this away.
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egypt agree not to attack israel. this has been successful since 1978. .e have had relative keys an absence of military conflict for the better part of four decades. ofupport the continuation our sale of military equipment to the egyptians and our continued assistance based on our treaty obligations under camp david signed by president every and abided by republican and democratic administration since then. i think we need to be very careful in threatening the one , like it or not.
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fromare going to go there spinning out of control. with yourdisagree colleagues senator mccain. you disagree on stopping aid. .uest: i do i very emphatically disagree with senator mccain. usually i agree with him. i agree with him on the syrian question. i know today that chairman call -- carl levin says we should move toward cutting off aid to the egyptian military. i think there are some caveats of what he had to say. as much as i respect those members of the armed services committee i have to disagree.
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i would harken back to what senator mccain said on the floor of the senate in opposing the limit to cut out the sale. f-16s to the military. we do not need to do anything at this point to weaken the most stable portion of that society. that is the egyptian military. host: transition to democracy just got a lot harder. that is their opinion. anything thatow president morsi of egypt has done over the past year could be seen as a transition toward democracy.
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actually a transition away from democracy. more prosecutions of political thatents in a years time we have had in decades under mubarak. mubarak was criticized by the united states government. the total suspension of parliament, the emasculation of ae judiciary, this had become one-man dictatorship. there is no prospect for inclusiveness. i am sure there are many times where i would disagree with the baltimore sun. this would be one. i think democracy is in trouble. this gives us an opportunity to put them together and use this
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and see if some consensus can be reached toward moving egypt toward a more inclusive society. to holdypt is set parliamentary election by early 2014. this is after the interim president adopted the swiss timetable for change. they will have five months to amend the constitution. that is overnight news. i would say that is welcome news. it may be that there listening to voices like those of chairman levin. they suggested that unless swift action was taken to move toward a restoration of a democratic elected government we need to explore. that is a hopeful sign. i hope it works.
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it will be difficult. it is a difficult country. it is a historian people and has been a historic ally of the united states. we try to do what we can to make it work. host: we have a few vote calls lined up. independent color. i am listening to the conversation about what we did previously in egypt in the previous regime. i see this pattern. him makes me wonder if this policy is working. money to sending people there, how does that help them? i do not see how this is working. i am a republican at heart here it is neoconservative -- at
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heart. i do not think this neoconservative is working. i am siding with our allies. i would not characterize what we did with mubarak as a stalling that government. i think if you ask our israeli allies they would advise us that it is at least in the interest of the peace process and the stability of israel for us to continue with the military a that we have sent to israel and egypt based on our treaty obligations. characterize that as a neoconservative viewpoint.
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that was something carried out by carter and both president bush and the clinton administration. it is a continuity of foreign- policy that we would rather not have to do. the alternative is to go back to andlict in the middle east the various out right shooting wars we have before 1978 i would challenge the assertion that but rather acon bipartisan approach. --t: so the u.s. sending should the u.s. send in peacekeeping troops to maintain the law? guest: i would very much be opposed to that. there is no peace to keep. i've always been skeptical of peacekeeping troops. first and foremost, military people have to resort peace.
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there has to be an absence of conflict before they even have a chance. we are not in the stage of having peacekeepers. the situation is people are being killed. i think your newspapers today said it is spending -- spinning out of control. i know the united nations and the security council will be weighing it. host: what are the options for the president. he said not saying it a coup gives the president several options. what are they? guest: this will be the first big test of secretary of state kerry. he is certainly knowledgeable about the area in age. his wife is go right now, but thankfully -- his wife is ill right now but thankfully she is
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getting better. he's going to have to go over there and roll up his sleeves. this is one of our huge policy challenges. they are very frustrating. they are very slow. offers and counter offers and filling in. it is not the sort of thing i like to do in a legislative body. the talented members of our state department who have some experience are going to have to get to work and see if we can pull all of the parties together. in egypt and convince them it is in their best interest to society in which it is not a majority rule. it has been pointed out correctly that hitler was elected in 1930s by majority rule and then completely
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dismantle the situation. our diplomacy and convince them that the majority rule, after that comes inclusiveness. and a building of civil society. democracy is the role of the majority of her minority. we should be spreading liberty. guest: i agree. host: democratic caller. caller: i would like to first thank you. i am in agreement with much of what you have to say. i am first of all an american but i am also muslim with ties to egypt. we have family members over there. they are safe. that i doke to say not think we have taken any
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steps backward. they wanted to try out their idea. a lot of people knew this idea -- fail. they have been going on for decades. they promoted a lots of things do not agree with on to rule.y they will continue to push their agenda. with morsi and power, it shows their ideas are not going to work. i think this is a step forward to get their ideas out of the way and show they will not work. host: we got the point. guest: i think i agree with almost everything you say. being of thew,
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muslim religion, that islam is not monolithic. ofre are various degrees belief as far as how much religion should the internet -- should be subjected for us to encourage the people who are tolerant of the views of others even within the religion. this was written by a spokesman for the muslim brotherhood. here are the stark facts. the western government that pretend to be on the sidelines are facilitating this chaos. you cannot call yourself neutral military coup a against an elected president. there were five high-level
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conversations between the egyptian government and the obama administration including a phone call with president obama to attempt at negotiation. -- guest: i think we will listen to any evidence the writer has as to whether that is true. that the natog powers in the western powers finance and help engineer this coup. i have heard on the other hand that there were actually too cozy with the morsi -- they were actually too cozy with the
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morsi administration. i think there is some overstatement. i would be very surprised if it turned out that nato allies financed and encourage this military takeover. i think the truth will come out. referring to the foreign assistance act that requires u.s. aid when a military comes in and overthrows a democratically elected president, if the president can redefine things to avoid the regulations and laws of congress, what powers do laws really have? guest: that is a very good question which i am concerned about on a number of different fronts and whether this is a coup. i think the administration has to make the determination that it is a coup.
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i am very much concerned with the general thrust of that .omment when we get a chance to move to the affordable care act or what the president doing with the regulatory agencies or environmental policy, i absolutely agree with the caller. the president is ignoring the statute of taking powers upon himself that he does not have. the financial times editorial -- mark, you are next. republican caller. the majorityport rule of democracy as written by thomas jefferson.
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i think we can see that the majority during the civil rights movement led to successful lead to black thing. since. this is why i support democracy. what we really have our corrupted leaders who want to subvert democracy. -- think the intentions of both parties are evil. they have evil intentions. they really promote a fascist agenda and they call it democracy. i think that is what people really need to realize is the leadership of both parties are fascists. host: let's get a response.
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guest: i am not sure about the last statement about the leadership of both parties being fascists. that is a pretty open comment. let me say this about the majority rule. i drew up in the south. the caller mentioned jim crow laws. there was a time when the majority of americans supported segregation in our public accommodations. majority supported segregation in the schools. certainly in the south where i of the the majority people supported the jim crow laws. it was the courts who came in. it was not public opinion at first. it was the courts that said those are unconstitutional. regardless of the fact that over half the people support them. because theytand
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are a violation of equal protection. let's bear that in mind. i am glad jim crow is way behind us. --was not necessary necessarily the majority rule that got us there. the president announced he would deploy the mandate for larger companies for one year. what happens next? i want the whole wall permanently delayed. it is a train wreck. it is not going to work. the idea that it was called the affordable care act and has increase premiums to the extent it has. it is causing small businesses to make decisions not to hire their and to cut back on air -- ours. it is a disaster for the economy. at the end of the day we will still -- still have 30 million people not covered under this plan. i would delay the whole thing.
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here's the point i was making. toould direct your attention .he op-ed page the author says obama suspends the law. under the affordable health care law there is no provision or labor by the president of the united states. many laws provide for that and not the obama care law. the president is saying we are going to delay this for a year. too powersg himself he just does not have. as profound that so many people out in the public and the news media are just reporting this as if it is a matter of course. if the president wants to delay the employer mandate for a year,
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the president should come to congress and says the law requires this to go into effect january 1. i need your authorization to delay it for a year under the statue. i would happily give the president the authority to delay this for a year. if i may quote mr. mcconnell, this is not the first time mr. obama's suspended the arrest -- statutes by executive decree but it is the most their face. in june the administration stopped initiating deportation proceedings against 11,000 illegal immigrants who can't the u.s. before the age of 16. refusedafter congress to enact the dream act, which would have allowed the individuals to stay.
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the president asked congress to pass the dream act. congress decided not to do that. the president said i will implement the dream act as if it had passed. first i would just caution my fellow americans today, including members of the fourth state that we need to be careful about president acting completely a outside the law, even if it is well-motivated, good policy from a subsidy to a point of view. the president does not have the authority to ignore the law. host: how will you and your republican colleagues respond to this? in divided government there is hardly any way that a democratic senator and republican house will reverse this. i would cry at the top of my voice that this is a very we went asope when
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the fact is the president is making a major decision not to enforce a provision of this signature accomplishment. the is no authority to do so under the law. what we should do is have an election in 2014 about this issue and the effect on the economy. i think the economy will struggle in love -- will struggle alone because of the affordable care act. this will be a key issue of the 2014 elections. it will take the majority in the united states congress to fix this fall and replaced it with that encourages
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healthy behavior and moved into something that makes health care more affordable. another possible issue is immigration reform. you voted no against the senate bill last month. quote in "the wall street journal" -- guest: i noticed the wording says failed, if congress fails to pass comprehensive immigration reform. passingfavor of comprehensive immigration reform.
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support president bush and the other authors in that regard. the question is, is the senate- passed version of comprehensive approach that will work? my feeling is it will not work. there is border security and order surge, but it does not yet answer the problem of 40% of the illegals that appeared not because they came across the border, but because they stayed over. else, thereyou what is doubt that this administration would enforce legislation agreed to. the amendment that i supported calls for increased border of miles ofndreds
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additional fencing, but based on what i have seen and what mr. mcconnell said today in the wall street journal, i cannot be convinced that this administration would in fact implement the law as passed. host: so you boarded for the amendment? -- voted for the amendment? guest: i think supporters who did not understand the very cleari made it to mr. corker in my constituents -- and my constituents that i viewed it as additional order enforcement to we were thebill
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portland amendment to strengthen e-verify. it was not even allowed for a vote. was fourth it's because it was stronger on of order. because it was stronger on the border. host: back to phone calls. nick is a republican. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my phone call and c-span for taking this public forum. i like to ask a question and then i will take my answer off the air. money do you think military and security contractors would lose its military -- members of congress work required to know the sixth -- and basiclians
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physics? out -- shout out for c-span. there will always be people like the calller. who believe the twin towers came 2011 because of explosions rather than the crushing of airplanes. , think that is a settled issue but this is the great thing about free speech in america. perfectly free to urge his position and convince as many people as he possibly can that he is correct. there is an organized effort out there, we get callers
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frequently from one group of there that has mobilized folks to call in to the show in particular and questions -- question just about what happened on 9/11. guest: as much as i disagree with them and cannot see how the reasoning hold up, i have close personal friends who feel the same way. there you go. host: a tweet -- guest: i would hope we can have a budget conference. i have not been one of the ones objecting to that. fearnk the people that this are people that did not know john boehner are very well. if we get to congress on a budget, he will appoint those
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that want the government to spend less and tax less. he will not support any tax increases in the budget. i realize we have a difference of opinion in the republican conference about that in the united states senate, but i think -- we have been calling for a budget for three years. passed in thet senate, and i did not like it, but at least the leadership brought it forward as required to do. is about a out it conference report, then the republican majority in the house can vote it down and it would. --t: germy peters rights jeremy peters writes --
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guest: the facts simply do not support the accusations of senate democrats in this regard. with the judiciary for example. in the senate.d duringe the senate was the same time in the bush administration. testify wednesday , a district judge, which i have been asking the administration to put forward for quite some time. the point is not every nomination will get through. john tower did not get through
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in a democratic senate. at thelarge, if you look statistics, the senate has nominations,e executive and judicial by the obama administration than previous senate have done. the fax did not back that up. when republicans have the majority, they call it the nuclear option. it was going to be an and nuclear option and i guess cooler heads prevailed. said we will still allow filibusters but judicial nominations and extraordinary circumstances. that moment it was the republicans trying to do away
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with the filibuster nomination. the issue was on the other foot. i would caution my democratic friends. they have been the majority for a long time. half of the senate is new. they did not remember being a minority. some day the republicans will have the majority again, it goes back and forth. i think we're better served as a senate if we operate on conciliation. were the facts to back up accusations, i would feel differently, but i would ask the listeners to look at the facts, and the facts are we have had quite a number and quite high percentage of confirmations, both executive and judicial. victory oflative sorts. the resolution on adoptions excepted. explain what the resolution says and what will it do? let me explain the for
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the parliamentary assembly of the 57 nations that make up cooperation in security in europe that meets in the summer every year. adopted the resolution. encouraging international and acknowledging that countries have the right to set their own adoption laws. russia, for example, which we of been concerned about has a right to prohibit international adoptions if there would like to. what the resolution says it is once an adoption has begun, and once a prospective parents has met the perspective child, it is really a violation of human rights. country to suspend the adoption and the middle of the game. my resolution was offered.
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42 co-sponsors from all around europe. reallyree delegations voted against it. i think this is in response to the russian ban on adoptions. it does not have teeth. nothing in the osc has teeth. we're kind of glad at that. i would hate to think there is a parliamentary assembly that meets every summer that has enforcement power, but it has the moral authority of the judgments of the number of nations, and i do think it will strengthen john kerry's hand as he tries to negotiate with russia. there are 300 adoptions, perhaps more, that are in midstream. the parents in america know the
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children. the children in russia are wondering when mom and dad will come get them and finalize this. it is absolutely cruel hoax to hold that up in the middle of the process. host: senator roger wicker, a republican, we appreciate the chat. talking about u.s. trade policy next and the newly confirmed u.s. trade representative. first, a news update. selection begins today in the trial of an army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 people and wounding dozens of others in the 2009 mass shooting at fort hood in texas. the major is acting as his own attorney but you cannot help -- he can get help from former defense lawyers and a consultant on hand. selection expected to last at least one month. france's trade chief nicole break speaking earlier on french
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radio singing the united states willingness to discuss alleged spying on allies is boosting confidence that trade talks between the and i did states and european union. she went on to say that trust will come back because the parallel talks of the justice department over this so-called espionage. was referring to reports of u.s. national security agency's surveillance of the you buildings and personal data. more on trade policy coming up in a moment. surveillance will be just one of the issues this morning. the obama administration is nominee to become the next fbi director said to testify and 45 minutes. he spent 15 years as a federal prosecutor before serving did george w. bush administration where he is best known for facing down the white house over warrantless surveillance program. here live coverage of this hearing at 10:00 eastern on c- span radio.
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those are some of the latest headlines. >> saturdays in july, c-span radio will have recorded telephone conversations of president nixon from camp david during the summer of 1972 talking about the presidential race against or pinched -- george mcgovern, the war in vietnam, and watergate. the nixon tapes saturday. washington journal continues. host: the director of global business and trade for bloomberg .overnment 93-4 that to take over this. who is he and what is he charged
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with? has a verye froman interesting background. he is a classmate of president obama at harvard law school many years ago. that gives him a personal relationship with the president. he served in senior positions at the clinton administration and has been the international affairs executive. his job is to negotiate very big trade agreement on the agenda right now. host: this is his philosophy? his philosophy ? guest: i would say it is pragmatic. known to be a tough negotiator. involved in closing the tough negotiations in the first administration, part jerkily with south korea. he is known as a tough
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negotiator, pragmatic, and someone who certainly says he will try to get the best possible for the united states in the negotiations. host: he is literally at the table, deep in the negotiations. guest: at the end of the negotiations. a lot of the ground work takes place over many months and years. you will have more working level people at office of trade representatives. there will be supported by officials from other government agencies and they will try to get to if the agreement to a place where there are only political decisions left to be made. he will try to cut deals on the remaining political issues. part of his job is to react -- interact with counterparts from europe and asia during the big meetings. he has to establish a personal relationship, but it is also said he knows the trade at the same time. host: how is that different from the commerce department, and what the state department
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does? many said hillary clinton is the global spokeswoman for commerce. that is true, and commerce and trade have become very popular. the trade representative is part of the executive office of the president. they are charged with being a key negotiator on the deals, and enforcing trade agreement when there have been problems in the past. the commerce department is a much bigger department. commerce has over 40,000 people. they are really more of a supporting role. it is strategic in foreign policy generally. >host: you wrote a piece before he was confirmed. five questions for the nominees. what were the questions? guest: a number of different questions. one was, what will he do to try
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to address u.s. auto maker concerns about concerns into the japanese auto market. that is a big issue in trade policy. auto makers feel they have been locked out of japan for many years. japan says you just do not make the kinds of cars that americans like to buy. that was one key question. i asked him about the fact that morale has been low for the past four years. what steps will he take to increase or ralph? questions with respect to the european deal, what do you see in the deal we do the -- address the questions about data privacy. headlines deal making --
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guest: that is right. one of the issues negotiators have said it will focus on are the so-called regulatory measures. europe has one way of doing things on the environment, label standards, financial services. the united states has a different way of doing that. one thing if negotiators will try to do is see if they can come up with mutual recognition of the standards. not exactly have the same procedure in each country, but if we approve something and the united states, we ought to be able to sell it in europe. some are concerned they do not want to see a weakening of health and safety standards. on thehat is one item
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stock -- on the pocket. did you have the trans-pacific partnership. >> this is a trade agreement the united states is trying to negotiate with 11 countries and the region. the good news there is japan is about to formally join the negotiations at the end of this month. that is important because it is the third largest country in the world. a lot of opportunities to export to japan. they are excited about a possible opportunity. that is on a faster track. negotiators may try to close that as early as the end of this year. host: this will be the first comprehensive u.s. trade deal with japan. guest: have had trade disagreements with japan going back decades on all those, access to the markets to provide insurance. so we have had this back in the past, and we have done small
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deals in small areas. this is the first attempt to do something comprehensive that reach far across the country. the information technology agreement is being negotiated primarily in geneva. the notion is to expand the agreement in a way that reduces tariffs on more products. you think of taxes. the objective is to get rid of those kinds of tariffs on more products. it is possible it could conclude this year. host: is would increase u.s. i by 2.5t. expors billion. guest: i think that number came from a trade association.
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certainly businesses interested in having that bill come to fruition. host: told -- international services agreement, talk about that. how much money? agreementtilateral being negotiated in geneva. 20-odd countries negotiating. those are just kicking off. most people think of trading widgets. you are trying to sell more ford focuses overseas. countries offer insurance around the world. that could be a big boost on the world. host: 10 to callers now. matt in norman, oklahoma. caller: good morning.
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my thought was why do we need over 40,000 people and to separate departments to organize trade deals with the japanese over the car manufacturers wanting protection. why can't we let the market figure this thing out? guest: thank you for your call. certainly there have been, and i think those -- you were referring to the department of commerce to reorganize it. congress is going through a reorganization right now that they will eliminate a certain number of jobs. notion is to negotiate agreements to open up foreign markets to u.s. products in places where companies do not have a fair opportunity. certainly in that negotiation there is a need to provide support in terms of statistics
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and other things like that. certainly the role of the commerce department has been controversial on capitol hill for a while and imagine that may continue to be. a tweet -- interesting, a company certainly try to negotiate their own deals. in the europe deal, the u.s. and united states company invest heavily in companies back and forth. if you are setting the terms for competition for the entire economy. you are setting rules that would govern how foreign companies can negotiate in the marketplace. you want to do that on a fair place. then you want to enforce the rules as well. if there is a dispute or u.s. company is being disadvantaged in a foreign market, you have the opportunity to be able to go dispute in that and have to
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have a country enforce the rules and their taste. in missouri.xt caller: good morning. since george bush was president he tried to open up trade with columbia and the democratic senate house rejected it. put gm, afterg to spending all the money on the bailout, we will put for cadillac plant in china and four in mexico. how is that going to create jobs for us since we are spending billions of dollars for a bailout? host: you are breaking up. i will take it from there? it has been an issue,
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what is the impact of jobs in the united states. having the ability to manufacture jobs overseas. most academic studies that were surveyed by the organization for cooperation and development say increased trade does have a positive impact on jobs. certainly there are transition times along the way. that is why democrats in particular in congress have been very insistent that trade deals, along with something called trade adjustment assistance, forntially retraining funds people that will decline as a result of a trade agreement to help them move on to other areas where the united states is more .ompetitive paria and
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is in billions of dollars. the top number for all countries right here, and then it goes through the trading partners top exports, but what does it do to the numbers? not as much as negotiators may have promised beforehand, which may create disappointment. there have been estimates it will raise exports by over $100 million. that is one kind of example. the numbersally see go up. it becomes controversial whether it exports are going up as much as imports are rising. generally they will increase. june and wisconsin. my concern is so many
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goods made in china are brought over here, and we have to buy them. the jobs to make them are over in china. it is really disappointing to me, because quite frankly the product are of such poor quality. they fall apart after few have uses. it is breaking my heart, because people here are able to make quality work but it seems we just do not care. host: is it true? guest: certainly, and i was waiting to see when we would it to china, it has been the biggest issue for least -- at least the past 10 years. to thexports a lot more united states. the that this is $300 billion.
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no one is forcing us to buy chinese products. that is a decision they make every time they go into the department store to buy something. on. negotiators are focused two things with respect to china. one is to break down the barriers that china has to export into china and invest into china. the other thing that the u.s. is and forced more on domestic demand within china so there will not feel the need to export quite as much. that is likely to be a long process and still leads to a disagreement along the way. no question about that. have any influence over the chinese about currency manipulation? the treasury department is the organization that takes
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the lead generally on currency matters, but pretty much in every bilateral meeting, and there is one going on this week with secretary louis and carry who, currency manipulation will come up. the chinese currency has risen over the past couple of years against the u.s. currency. to some degree in some quarters people think it's a bit less of a concern, but there is still a desire on the part of the united states that the chinese currency rise more frequently than it has been and will make chinese goods more expensive. calller in minneapolis. democratic calller. caller: i am concerned about how much of our sovereignty is turned over to lawyers by these agreements. i am concerned about the fast track provision. it seems to me that our
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sovereignty are jobs and economy, huge chunks will be run by nord -- will pay national lawyers. lot in that was a question. i think the question of fast- track is an interesting question we're not talking about quite yet. congress really does delegate authority to negotiate agreements. the reason congress has, historically as foreign trading partners are reluctant to make decisions if they think they negotiate an agreement with your executive. come off ink has the past. it is a way to give trading assurance that it will be adhered to.
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the ways and means and senate finance committee are brief and included, sometimes in the delegations that they go up to negotiate and certainly access and the gods -- the aggression in documents. this is something we hear quite often, and i think something that will continue to be controversial. expired in 2007. has the president pushed it? guest: not exactly. and first term he was concerned with domestic priorities. up forke frohman came his confirmation hearing a month ago he said we are ready to engage with congress on pass- track authority. very difficult in this environment to get anything through congress. there is a chance it will be renewed this year. we're finally seeing the administration push because they have a very busy trade agenda.
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host: republican calller/ caller: i would like to talk about the big lie. 40,000-80,000 people. surplusnot run a trade since 1975. efforts have failed miserably. what this country needs to get jobs back is a 10% import revenue tax. we will not have a chance of doing it with the mint minuscule negotiations in these countries. generally speaking countries try to avoid raising trade barriers. we saw a little bit of that's with the smoot-hawley tariff tax. most academics would say that exacerbated the great depression. there is also increasingly the
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prospect of retaliation. we do export over $100 billion worth of goods to china every year. we export a lot to europe, latin america, and canada. i think we need to be careful before we take those universal actions which are likely to retaliate -- which are likely to result in a retaliatory actions. host: next call. democrat calller. do not want any more trade agreements. they have been devastating for the country, and president obama was the poorest -- supposed to review all of the trade agreement when he came into office, which he has not done. we do not want any more secret
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trade agreements. i am very adamant about this. going on jobs, producing and our country. thank you very much for the call. i think it is important if there is fine to be a trade agreement that it be the right trade agreement one that opens up for an countries and products and services. the united states has 15 million people or so. people in the world. it would be possible for u.s. companies to export products and services to those markets and can lead to jobs.
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host: a tweet -- guest: i think it is fundamentally the opposite. it is important when we talk about trade agreements as such, we are not just talking about treating goods. provisions on the intellectual property, labor and the environment. the united states has tried to push stringent intellectual property protection. much improved protection with south korea. it is not perfect. it has been a big problem in china for a long time. it is back in the news again because of cyber hacking. you could not make other countries do -- short of going to war, you cannot make a country like china do something they do not want to do. to raise require them
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standards, that would be in the best interests of both countries. host: we talk about the headlines, activist wary of deal on labour, food and regulations, etc.. how is it the standards are enforced? be enforced in a couple of ways. if there is a dispute, the countries will try to work it out. that is why they are done at the national level. an ability for a company to go to the government saying we are having problems selling widgets into country x and we need your help. they will try to do something informal first. then they will have a formal -- .ormea settlementl it would have to either remove what ever of directional practice it has in place or supper, which is called trade retaliation. the united states would have an opportunity to actually block
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some of the product of other country coming in. that is usually a good way to get other countries to cooperate. from the world trade organization if we're talking about an agreement that involves the world trade organization agreement. and in the european union, most likely a bilateral mechanism that the bodies will set up, the united states and european union. is,er: my question to you at what point does the cost or spread between the cost of production in the united states and cost and china narrow? it would seem to me the largest portion of the difference is the cost of labor over there as opposed to here, and also, the lack of regulation in china relative to the united states. i'm thinking of primarily things
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theted to pollution, environment, things along those lines. the argument of cheaper goods coming back into the united states, and therefore, keeping a lid on inflation has worn itself out. there is very little income being generated in the united states. it seems to me we're almost at of thent where in spite fact that the prices are so low because they have been made by of slavey speaking labor, that we're putting ourselves in a position that regardless of the price we will not be able to buy it anyway. guest: a very interesting
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question with a lot of some questions and it. if the chinese currency increases, that increases the cost of products and u.s. goods become more competitive, not just in the united states but third markets as well where we compete with the chinese. we have seen cases where manufacturing has returned to the united states in some ways because there is some advantages, cheaper labor costs being among them, but if you are exporting pack to the united states there is the distance involved, logistics' in other sorts of things that actually have convinced some u.s. companies to come back and reinvigorate manufacturing. we've seen that in small ways, with apple computer most recently. that is an important question.
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it has been a slow process, quite honestly. host: talking with the director of global business and trade up lumber government. and the discussion is trade policy and michael forman confirmed by the senate on june 16. of next, elizabeth in new jersey. democratic calller. go ahead. i found your discussion interesting, but one that we have heard since 1975. a constant denial that we are bringing down the middle class. the free trade will with us up. lift us up.
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that exporting to china or some other places in the best interest. that if we get jobs we will all profit from it. none of it has worked out. it has led to a dissolution of the middle class. economically, economic crisis. the top 1% has enjoyed the benefits of this type of policy. all importantre points, and historically some of those are quite accurate. keep in mind we are not just -- the global economy is much more injured -- interdependent and that was in 1975, the year that you referenced. u.s. companies have to compete with not just chinese companies
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that japanese companies, korean companies. not just in the united states, but all over the world. v it is important for u.s. companies to increase employment to be able to send products overseas. if the agreement is not well done, it barriers remain in u.s. companies are not able to export into the market, we will have some of the things you mentioned. some of the sectors of the united states have suffered, and some of them probably are not coming back in any large way. those were the united states is most competitive, it is important focus on making sure companies can export in making sure workers are well-drained and well-educated so they can be competitive overseas. considered currently the major areas of competitive advantage for the united states?
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we look at technology companies and the world. many of them are based in the united states. google, apple, facebook, ebay. i think the united states is increasingly competitive again and heavy machinery. makers are. auto producing better cars, and they once again started to turn a profit. whether they can convince other consumers to buy goods or not, that remains to be seen. host: you helped to negotiate the nafta agreement. talk about that a little bit. thet: at that time it was biggest agreement we have had. important a couple of respects. we were dealing with countries off on the borders that we were going to trade with anyway.
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come up the growth has as a result of nafta. it was the first attempt to do something that was separate from the world trade organization and an agreement of countries a span the entire gamut of things we there have been some agreements and things that we have learned from. host: can a trade agreement the changed? thet: it can be changed if countries that agree to it in the first place all agree to change it. usually what happens when there are disagreements is countries language asferent they have. south korea will say we may be able to accommodate your problem obviously leverage
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is a little less afterwards. that in some cases parian host: t. host: tom is next. you're on the air. caller: my statement is to say all of these u.s. companies pushed these companies to china to avoid the labor laws. you have to clean up the environment a little bit. when you took them all over there, they are pay and $1 per day compared to a couple dollars per hour compared to what ever they were making over here in the united states. u.s. companies went overseas and now it is like we might bring them back. in thedquarters is united states. the only people benefiting from this seems to be the government.
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are pretty much scot-free from the destruction of the building that collapsed with the walmart workers. you have another one that just collapsed or caught fire a couple of months ago. and the chinese people are probably the only people making out on this are the government and the people headquartered in the united states. guest: thank you for your call. the calller had done a number of issues that have been controversial. one reason u.s. companies have gone to china and set up there is the chinese economy is growing much faster. estimated to grow at at least triple the rate for the next several years. if u.s. companies want to be competitive again globally, they need to be in china and manufacturing.
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certainly the labor protections have come into criticism. the environmental protections have come against criticism. i will note the united states trade representative did just this because of the incident that the calller referred to and because of concern about labor conditions and the country. are conditions here were people have suffered and of foreign to keep that in mind is they negotiate new deals. good morning. companies and corporations benefit. the american people do not. you have sold us a bill of goods but we're not buying it anymore. it would be interesting
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to hear more from the calller on what she exactly has in mind. stockholders are successful, and some of that is largely concentrated. that is important. i am not selling anything here, explain here. i understand frustration. there are some areas that are not as competitive as they once were. some are very competitive. that causes a lot of pain and economic disadvantage. host: which industries might benefit from them, which american companies may benefit? guest: if you are looking at the trans-pacific partnership, one we are negotiating the pacific with japan, the agricultural
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industry is very excited about that. they think they have opportunities to sell more beef and pork overseas. if you look at insurance companies in the united states, they're looking to export more insurance in to the japanese market. companies like fedex and ups are hopeful they will gain from the kind of agreement. if you look at the european deal just starting, that really early in the negotiations. we think u.s. auto companies are excited about that, because if there is some kind of mutual recognition of regulatory standards. this could save them quite a bit of money and make them more efficient producers. one industry looking forward to that as well. host: new jersey calller. yourr: i am curious what opinion of it.
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they told us when they passed the bill it would stop illegal immigration, and we still have big immigration problems in the country, and you say we get cheaper goods, but why would you take a pickup truck, american made. made in mexico. same price as a vehicle here in the u.s.. that's be a lot cheaper? guest: i do not think that the negotiators promised immigration were resolved. it is obviously a very controversial issue. the senate has passed an immigration bill that does not come up in the house or not. that is an issue that is separate from nafta. their vote with pocketbook. if they are buying a product it will buy on the process -- all by on quality.
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they did enable companies to set up plants in mexico. that is what the calller is referring to right now. host: little field. marie, a democratic calller. caller: i want to ask a question. if they has a rule, leave a country to go to another country where the labor is cheaper, they are not allowed to sell the product in germany. are the germans and hundred and the rest of the world? --- smarter than the rest of the world? guest: i cannot really comment on that. i do think you put your finger on an important issue, which is labor standards. a lot of calller has -- a lot of the callers have referred to nafta. one thing president clinton tried to do was raised labor standards in mexico.
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issue we see in europe. in fact, in europe labor standards are arguably higher. workers have greater protection. we have seen some labor groups and government and parliamentary officials say as part of this trade deal with the united states we need to increase labor protections for workers on both sides of the atlantic. will be interesting to see how the issue goes forward. host: crawl in annapolis. independent calller. -- carl. caller: is it possible to put an addendum into agreements in future agreements that 50 percent of exports and imports in the united states would create millions of american jobs across the country and give america the leverage it needs to enforce fair trade agreements? what youam not exactly
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are referring to. there is requirement that u.s. ships, the chips -- ships be flagged as u.s. festivals. possible to put an addendum on a previous trade agreement if the parties will agree to do so. i would like the calller to keep in mind, if we are asking for things like that, negotiating partners will ask for similar things that will disadvantage our companies. host: does the government promote trade regimes that the majority of the citizens oppose? guest: that is an interesting question. i think we've seen the trade agreements concluded under president obama with panama approved by congress. significant majorities in the house and senate, those of you
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consider congress is the voice of the people in some way. and if there is a lot of frustration. there have been winners and losers in trade agreement. that is something that will continue. it will be a difficult issue, no question about it. host: republic and calller. oklahoma city. u.s. competean the with companies and countries that are state-funded. airbus, for example, when they sell an airplane they financed it, and then they differ the payments until the purchaser makes a profit. can they compete with that type of lopsided financial's? from: airbus has benefited a number of subsidies and preferential treatment the
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european argument has done well. they have been competing with that issue. a critical element going forward. and if those enterprises are not forced to compete on similar economic terms, companies are certainly at a disadvantage. host: what do you expect to happen first with the agreements? guest: probably two things. the specific deal further along and could be deals on that as early as a few months from now, before the end of the year. it is worked for -- worth looking of the trans-pacific partnership. this is really where the first debate about trade will occur.
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but could heat up again after september. host: after september that could come to the floor? guest: it is possible. it depends on all the other issues. the previous guest talking about nominations on the floor. it is possible after september. host: director of global business and trade with liver government, thank you for your time. that does it for today. now, live coverage of the house. the speaker pro tempore: the house will come to order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, 2013. ton, d.c., july 9, i hereby appoint the honorable chris collins to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2013, the


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